About Me

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I have an on going love story with my cowboy of 38 years and when I die I am moving to Heaven so all my friends and family know where I am! Acts 2:38

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

I can't believe it is the end of January already. Of course being sick for two weeks blew most of the month. We went to see Miss Ella Grace Twice but the first time my back was hurting so cowboy got the pleasure of holding her and we left after 2 hours. Last Sunday we helped Davy and Miss Amanda get the final Christmas stuff put away and this week I am trying to finish putting up my snow men and women, although, we are being teased by the weather man with the promise of snow tomorrow. Okay, the weight watcher thing is fun online an I lost 8lbs the first week. Awesome for me....PAT ON THE BACK!!!! I am having to learn this new way of living because I just found out that I have some Kidney damage....I KNOW...WHERE DID THAT COME FROM????? Well after my dr. appt. last week and blood taken I got the results yesterday along with a note saying I have an appt. Feb. 7th to talk about whats going on. SWELL, I said to myself and then I said OH well, why not. So today I have a baby quilt to work on, the sun is shineing, the wind is blowing 60 miles an hour [normal for OKLA.]and the happy thought of a new grandbaby in June although I think she might come last of may. I picked the 6th of June so we will see. I guessed Miss Ella Grace would be born May 12th and she was. Okay you are right Ali, I am stalling. I am going to put up the snow people and then work on the quilt. Wait, I have a funny Memaw story about my mom. She called yesterday telling me about the cutest baby material that she bought. I had her describe it and i said "Mom that will be so cute" to which she replied "When can you start on it?" Yep, she wants me to make it and give it to Lanie from her. Does anyone see the humor in that? I have two quilts going already and now a third one from memaw. My fingers just don't work that fast so Lanie may get her memaw quilt for Thanksgiving, ha! Hugs and Love cj aka nannie aka Ethel aka momma

Friday, January 25, 2008

Weight Watchers

I did it...I finally did it! I joined Weight Watchers on line and am loving it. No more meetings unless I want to go, but lots [or should I say tons] of information, success stories, recipes, and place to write down what I am having for a meal. This is where it gets really good...it calculates your points for you. It has a chat room or rooms that is secure and goes from needing to lose 10lbs to over 200lbs. This is my year to finally get the job done. Last year I wore a cast on my right leg, knee to toe for a achilletendinitis [that may be two words] anyway it is finally getting better. Two years ago I was walking 5 miles a day...dropped to nothing last year and packed on way too much weight to be comfortable sharing. I know, I can hear you Ali, but sissy you share everything. NOT THIS TIME...I am mortafied, horrified, and angery for letting myself get this heavy. However, with lots of prayer, my new thyroid medication and walking I am gonna suprise even me!LOL!!! If anyone passing through today and needs some inspiration then just comment to your little hearts content! I've been on diets since I was 15 years old and now I am not dieting. Weight Watchers is a life change. We can all get through this so email if you r not comfortable commenting on the blog. To all my little regular blogaphobics, see ya on the email later! Love and Hugs to all who pass by.Psalms 100:1-5 shout out to Katie bug and Liz [long time no hear from yall].

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Isn't that the most precious name ever? Yes, you reply!!!! Our newest addition to the winn family is a little girl. She is due in June and there are 46 people in Oklahoma still waiting to meet her big sister Miss Ella Grace. Babies are just the happiest news ever in my happy world. They are so new and sent from Heaven so pure and beautiful. Each one so different and so special like a snowflake. I love the name Lanie [pronounced like Lane with an ie].What a wonderful child so full of love and getting to come to earth to bless all our lives and all she has to do is get born. That's all, just be born and have hundreds of people waiting and praying and loving her. Love really is that easy and I for one love to love so color me the happiest Nannie of 4 in the whole wide world!!!! Lanie Elizabeth and Miss Ella Grace we are gonna have a big ol party this summer to welcome you both to the Oklahoma side of life. [I secretly wish I could also introduce you to the Arkansas side] but that's a whole nuther world.HA!!!!! Please every one who passes by this blog, take a moment to pray for the safety of my daughter-in-love and our new baby Lanie, or just spend a moment thinking of a happy thought for your self. Thanks for passing by, Hugs and Love to all and a shout out to Ali and Katie bug

Monday, January 21, 2008

Oh My Word

I am losing my immune system....how can that be? I have lost car keys, check book, clothes and pets and possibly my mind from time to time but how do you lose an immune system? NO I DO NOT HAVE AIDS !!!!! The doctor can't explain it but my test came back as almost nil, nada, neyt,[neyt is Russian]. Okay forget the Russian word for not happening but have you ever heard of anything so bezarrrrrrrr. Yes Ali that is spelled wrong but u get the drift. If not email me as usual and we will talk.HA!!! I just got through having Whooping Cough in Nov. [had it in 2005 also]and now I am getting over a Staph infection of the stomach lineing. Who gets that??? Me of course. What was my new year resolution.....well it was to stay out of the E.R or Hospital for at least the first 6 months of 2008. So far, so good. Oh My Word, I could be a poster girl/woman for any number of dieases and some not even thought of yet. Bear with me here...let's review. I have had a broken arm, been locked in a ice box on a back porch in 1954, I have been in 3 car wrecks [none my fault, one head on],have had 5 back surgeries, had pnemonia [spelled incorrectly]. I have had a cancer tumor behind my right eye that turned out to be not cancer. I have had knee surgery three times on same knee and yet they missed that I had a torn ACL. I have a flu shot every year and still manange to get the flu every year. I am told by the doctor that I had somewhere in time the German Measles[ those I remember] plus the regular measles. I had chicken pocks but only about 1/2 a dozen so I have been told to avoid any children that have them. I now have chronic bronchitis and if I am lucky the pain in my right big toe is gout. LOL...LOL...ROTFL!!!!! No wonder I am afraid of lightening. Okay some of those don't have anything to do with immune system and I forgot to mention I have been carjacked, my point is......well my point is....I don't have a point. I am just freaked out by an immune system that is going whacko...[WHACKO,A SHOUTHERN TERM FOR CRAZY]. Oh well it could be worse, I guess! Hugs and Love from a woman in a bubble somewhere in OKLA! LOL LOL LOL cj

Friday, January 18, 2008


New word....Ha! Let's see, where am I? Oh yea, I lost my old blog spot. That's okay I like my new one better. Yesterday was a shocking day to say the least. Our oldest son Joseph [Joey to me]and wife got robbed at their home. Someone or more, kicked in the front door while they were at work and stole their 52 in. t.v. They had saved forever to get it, their movies, Jaxons movies, all the movies and the x box, controls, any jewlery left in the living room and the feeling of being safe. I hate that but like Joey said "Mom we are safe and things can be replaced"!! By the way I was suppose to be there keeping Jax and his friend Danny both 3 years old. I have a gun permit and keep a gun in my purse at all times. I would have shot them dead probably and I thank God I wasn't able to be there. I have often wondered if i could shoot a live person and the answer is yes. Not to kill unless my grandbabies or self or cowboy is in danger. I have practiced and am really good but I still would have hated to take a life. It took an hour for the police to get there after my son called it in.....so what does that say????? Ha.....a side of me you guys didn't know I bet! All three of our kids grew up around guns, have been taught gun saftey and we keep all guns locked up while we have company, be it family or friends. Cowboy and I go shooting since we live on 20 acres [which on a happy note, this land and house will be paid off this March]!!!!!!!!WOOOOOOHOOOOOOO as Ali would say. Well gotta go greet my cowboy at the front door, been doing that for 37 years this Sept.3 and plan on doing that for a few years more, Lord willing! Hugs and Love to all, cj aka nannie aka ethel aka carla [and maybe Annie Oakley]NOT!!!!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I lost me

As you can tell by my spelling I am better at talking than writing. Same goes for using this computer. I lost my original blog "Nannieof3" and now somehow I lost my first "Heartwithwings". If you find me let me know because now I have to make a new profile and stuff. If I weren't still sick I would do it now but I am not getting much better so this will wait. I will find me again soon...until then email me like most of you do anyway. Love and Hugs to all my little blogaphobics, cj aka nannie aka ethel aka just me