About Me

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I have an on going love story with my cowboy of 38 years and when I die I am moving to Heaven so all my friends and family know where I am! Acts 2:38

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Todays thoughts

Can it really be July 30th 2008 already? Am I really gonna have lap band surgery? Can Davy be 29 years old this Friday, what happened to my baby??? Can I get any more into the Twilight saga, duh????? Two more days and my final book will be in and I am afraid it won't end the way I want. Although, I am not too sure at this point how I want it to end. Why is it soooooooooo cloudy and humid and it's not raining? I wonder if the mailman forgot our house today? Boo is at 6 Flags and I miss her so much my arms ache! Am I really gonna pay $40 to have my entire house cleaned before surgery? Can I be more bored than I am right now? I am going to go work on a baby quilt for Miss Lanie Elizabeth before she finishes high school.LOL!!!! I am going to also call my mom, read my email and make my bed [maybe, after all it is 3pm]. I wonder what my life will be like after surgery? Wonder where cowboy is right at this moment? Well, that's just 2 minutes of thinking and I am tired so till next time. hugs and love momma aka cj aka nannie

Thursday, July 17, 2008


Oh my goodness look at the picture of Edward and Bella...I put that on my blog all by myself!!!!! I called Suzanne because I got only 1/2 of the picture on one side to stay on the page and then it just came to me!!!!! I rearranged a few things and TA DA there it is in all it's beauty! For those non readers out there or those that have somehow missed out on the Vampire [teenage love]stories by Stephanie Meyer, what can I say??????Read the books a set of 3 with the 4th and final book of the set due out Aug.2 this year!!!!!! Ya can't put it down....No ya can't!!!!! At least not if you have ever been in love, lost love, regained lost love or whatever! Ya can't miss out on these books. The first movie comes out in December and Sissy and I have our tickets, Phillip and cowboy are keeping Boo and we are gonna stand in line to get in with all the 14 to 70 year olds. LOVE LOVE LOVE and not scary except for Bella, she's human. Edward is her one true love...he's a vampire......it's complicated but ooooooooooh sooooooooo worth reading. Gotta go for now. Proud of myself for getting the picture to load. hope you are too Suzy love momma aka cj


Where has the time gone?????? Oh yes, I was in the hospital again and again and.....oh well you get the picture! I am now in physical thearpy for my right foot an ankle and will have a very important surgery August 7th. I am having a Lap Band procedure and have excepted the fact that for me this is the tool I need to help me reach a goal. I am nervous, I hate hospitals, needles, surgery.....ect! I am praying and believing that all will go well and in 1yr. I will look and feel and be healthier than I have been in years!!!!! All the kiddos were here on the 4th of July and we had a great time other than the fact that cowboys brother passed away on the 3rd of July. His funeral was on the 5th so it was good all the family was together. I just wanted to write an update so let me finish with Lanie Elizabeth is growing and is healthy and now 1 & 1/2 months old. Miss Ella Grace is 14 months old and refuses to walk [but we don't put her down enough to let her learn] LOL!!!! Jaxon is 3 and potty trained. Jalen is 6 and 1/2 and in level 4 swimming class, still loves sleepovers with nannie and going to be a first grader this year. Cowboy is working on his 39th year with THE Phone Co. and Sept. 3 will be our 37th anniversary. I love him more today than I did at 17 when I fist saw him. NO ONE WILL EVER CONVINVCE ME THAT THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT!!!!!![or, that God didn't send him to me!]!!!!! Love momma aka cj shout out to Ali and Katie bug