About Me

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I have an on going love story with my cowboy of 38 years and when I die I am moving to Heaven so all my friends and family know where I am! Acts 2:38

Saturday, February 28, 2009


This is just the best of all days.......LOL! I am getting over this Asthma/Bronchitis thing with the help of steriods...........ooooooooooooweeeee! I am talking a mile a minute, tying so fast I am having to redo most of this, and cleaning out a closet. Not bad since I started a 5:45 this morning, ya think????? And you drink coffee right? Oh my word, I can't slow down. Cowboy doesen't know what to do with me cause he knows [and I know I am gonna CRASH] because I only have three more pills to take. So in the meantime I am useing my new found help to get a lot done in a little time. If I didn't make myself slow down this is what the wording would look like. wkhoifhlkwjlfofsfa;lkf flf aslkfja;l hfafa ldja f al;f lkjf;al. Now if I accidently without knowing it acuteally just wrote something dirty in your language I apoligize. It's just the "roid rage" talking. Okay cowboy wants me to finish one project before it's time to take the 2nd pill of the day. He's afraid the house will turn into one big mess when I finally CRASH! LOL!!! Shout outs to Katie bug, Ali, Liz and Suzy Q Hugs and love cj aka mom, momma winn and nannie

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I am beginning to wonder

Is it me, or are yall having trouble learning computer stuff [at age 56?}or older? I have tried to start a new more mature blog [as if,LOL]any way I have been so unsucessful that I am sticking with this one for now. I think it was my favorite one anyway. I first learned how to put a picture on my site [Edward and Bella] from the Twilight series, music by Taylor Swift but don't ask me how cause I don't know!!!! When it happens I freak out and jump up and down and forget what buttons i pushed to do that particular thing. Yes, dumb luck would best describe it if you want my opinion....hey wait a minute I can blog what I want because it's Thursday. I am beginning to wonder about a lot of things as I grow uh, how should I put this, uh, nearly older than dirt. Okay not that old but for another example I got an IPOD SHUFFLE for Christmas......my daughter finally put songs on it for me in Jan. I couldn't figure out how to do it. It took her 20 minutes in all. Oh My Word...maybe i have old timers and don't know it. By the way Edward and Bella are not family and I wanted gospel music and got Taylor [I like her anyway, but seriously?]! Hey out there to all my little blogaphobics, Hey Ali and Katie bug and Liz and everyone who passes by I ask that you do one random act of kindness today. May you have a great day and be Blessed more than you ever dreamed. For OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD, yesterday, today and tomorrow. God love ya, cj

Thursday, February 5, 2009

One day here next gone

Okay, let's try blogging on this site again. Forget a wing and a prayer my newest site because somehow I lost it! AGAIN! I was able to get Twilight on here plus a Taylor Swift song but where in the sam hill is my other newer more christian type blog??????? It's just out there somewhere hanging in thin air I guess. Enjoy the music while I try and find my other blog. love me