About Me

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I have an on going love story with my cowboy of 38 years and when I die I am moving to Heaven so all my friends and family know where I am! Acts 2:38

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Dear friends, family and passerbyers, I am asking for prayers for Miss Amanda right now as she has just lost her grandfather plus she is due to have Lanie Elizabeth in June but has had a few contractions. She is sad and stressed and we have all been there at one time or another. If you are just passing by my blog please have a kind thought as you are on your way. Thank you all. Today is hard......even though I didn't personally know her grandfather I know her daddy and I am sooooooo sad for him. I lost my daddy some 10 years ago and have his picture, dog tags and flag above my computer and it seems like it was just yesterday. When a loved one passes it touches more than just the family. There are people that you don't even know who your loved one touched by example or deed. I like to think of an added star in the sky when someone passes. I am rambling but again, MY BLOG! I write to get the hurt out. My hurt is not equal to my friend but knowing what he and his family are going through just hurts. I can't do or say anything to fix it. I hate not being able to comfort, or have words of wisdom so great that takes their pain away. God is the only one that heals this kind of hurt. I can only sit back and pray which is the best thing. Still I want so badly to help. I will ask again for all of your prayers, thoughts and prayers as you pass by and I know some of you will email but that's not needed for my benifit. I just want you to pray for The Simpson Family including Amanda and Lanie. In Zambia they say "Let God Be The Final Medicine". In Him I know all things will work out but I am still sad for my friends. Just me, Hugs and Love cj aka nannie aka friend aka momma

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