About Me

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I have an on going love story with my cowboy of 38 years and when I die I am moving to Heaven so all my friends and family know where I am! Acts 2:38

Friday, April 10, 2009

What is rock bottom?

Is rock bottom a place? I feel as if maybe I am there and yet I see hope on the horizen[did i spell, never mind i didn't]. I am not kidding when I repeat the news about the sore throat from hell! I have now had it since March 31st. Ice chips, milk, soup, things to suck on for troat irritation all HURT!!!!! My wonderful dr. looked at me again, said and I " ", I just don't know what to do next! Such a calming feeling came over me....NOT!!!!! Then he ask if I thought I might be depressed? WHAT??????? HELLO!!!!!! Could you not test me for strep, or meningitis, or dengy fever or polio???? Come on, I mean he is the one paying off medical school I hope. He ackownledges that my throat is redder than any he's ever seen...WOOOHOOO! He ask if I thought I could get into an ENT [ears, nose and throat specialist?] Again, Hello....could you like call and get me into one? OH MY WORD.......why did my old dr. retire? Why are people eating pizza? Why am I on the computer instead of in my bed feeling like I hit rock bottom? Who really gives a crap? I am just sick and if I don't die before next Thursday I got myself in to see and ENT an hour away from Podunk America. Before you ask, I have been on steriods since March 30th, had 3 different antibiotics, and 3 shots. So if there is a rock bottom I think I am sitting on it and of course there is only one way to look [no not under it], although I may have to look there before this is all said and done. I have lost that loving feeling....LOL....and my blog has become my way of whining......I hate whining! Well, I can't talk out loud so I gotta do my yellin' with my fingers. Ya know what I'm saying? It's time to put more vinegar and alcohol in my ears to keep them from hurting so bad......yep, old rememdy but hey right now it's helps for a few minutes. Do you have a rock bottom? Ever been there? Does it go away and come back anothter day? In the scheme of life I know God has more to do then listen to me complain but I Love Him all the more because He loves me enough to let me. God Bless you on your journey in life and tell me about your rock bottom if you have had one or more. I know they come in all sizes, depths, ranges and colors...at least in my illness I envision it that way. I may take some tylenol while I'm up anyway. I am then going to put in White Christmas and fall asleep dancing the afternoon away with Danny Kaye! Hugs from a germ ridden, sicko, think if i die i will feel better cj aka momma

Sunday, April 5, 2009

I just thought I was sick

Man, I am so sick right now it is beyond words!!!!!My throat feels like there are razor blades slideing up and down. Of course this only hurts when I cough [consitantly] or swallow. Good Night Miss Maudy, I havn't been able to talk for about 6 days now, not hardly even a whisper. I have tried cough med., honey and tea, straight honey, throat lozenges[sp] and salt water gargle. Any body got any ideas? VooDoo or a doctor you can recommend? On the up side AT&T did not go on strike, PRAISE GOD!!!!!!! Cowboy will get to work but without a signed contract....that is still a great sign. This is such a lame post but I am miserable, tired of tv, can't focus to read, to sick to sew, and I needed to reach out without giving anyone my germs. Thank you for reading, passing by on your journey and if you want to complain about anything even off the wall complaining go for it on my comments. We will just get this UGLY out of our system and move on to more important things. Like shopping for bargins, shoe talk, grandbabies....etc. Hugs and Hope cj aka nannie

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Miss me?

Well writing about the flu just made it worse.....did I think it was done, uh, yea!!! Well, NO it wasn't... Monday I ended up in the hospital from Hell [no not the one in Lawton] but closer to 3rd world country]. I now have exassberated asthama/bronchitis with a touch of pnem./double ear infection just to roung off how swell I feel. To sick to go any further than my bed but will go on and on and on and on about how much fun I had later. Stay well, Stay out of any small country hospitals and never ever go unless you are turning blue or dead. Till later. I go to bed now. Hugs, love and Thank God for Darvacet!!!!! momma aka cj aka ect.......

Friday, March 27, 2009


Let's just say I get the flu shot every year, and yet once again I have "A MILD CASE OF THE FLU"!!!!! The doctor assures me I would be so much worse if I hadn't recieved the shot. Oh really.....where was he Wed.nite as I rolled around on my bed, the floor, every chair I could get my fluffy little self into? Where was he when the fever was 103 degrees at 2am. Where was he when I lay on the bathroom floor begging Cowboy to "Kill me now before it gets worse".....um being the gentleman he has always been he said "Oh, let's wait till sun up you may change your mind"LOL!!!!! He never gets the flu shot, never gets the flu. He may be on to something.ya think? Do yall get flu shots? I mean yes, I have a low immune system due to Fibromyalgia,Asthma/Bronchitis and am clumsy[ wait I just threw in the clumsey part]. Okay to be honest I might fall a few times every year but I try and keep those moments on the farm. Seriouslly, Flu shot or Not to Flu shot that is the question. Not like will you marry me type question, or would you like to have an elephant sit on your head. But still an important question none the less. Okay it's time for pills,liquid, and hopefully some sleep after none for two days. Hugs and Love cj aka momma aka carla aka nannie not listed in any partifular order.LOL

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What in the Sam Hill?

Lately I have found some new blogs about healthy and very ill babies born. I have read their mothers and sometimes daddies blogs asking for prayer. I just got through reading one of my favorites "Jenna's Journey". Her baby was in NICU for a month, her husband is now sick and in the hospital. She is trying to stay strong and she believes in prayer. So what's my point? What in the Sam Hill are people thinking when they leave her a nasty comment. That is correct...a comment blameing her for her sons condition [heart]. What makes a person attack someone they don't even know in "The REAL world"? Blogging is a way to write what's going on in your life, kinda like an open heart. When I blog I write what's in my heart, I don't filter, I just write what I'm feeling and it sets me free. I love sharing about my children and grandchildren. Comments like the one Jenna recieved hurt her and it made me ANGRY. NOT MANY THINGS MAKE ME ANGRY BUT THAT MADE ME ANGRY! The person didn't even have the wa-hoos to sign their name. Unbelieveable!!!!!! I was taught that if you can't say something nice, then keep your mouth shut. In this case just move on to a blog that makes you happy. PLEASE, don't write your opinion on someones life just because you are unhappy with yourself. A Blog is getting things off your chest, or Praiseing God, or asking for prayer,and it's a quick way to share with family and friends what's new with YOU.It's better than email. Okay, all better now. Pray for Jenna and Chris and baby Brayden. It's okay that we don't know them, God does! Hugs and Love cj

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Little arms

As I stood in the kitchen late Wednesday getting my coffee maker to heat up some water for cocoa, a pair of little arms softly came around my legs from behind. It was my 3 yr old grandson Jax. This was our first time to spend a day together and I wasn't sure how it would go. Mommy was an little over an hour away at work and daddy was in Tenn. The little arms said it all!!!!! I turned around, picked him up and we hugged for several minutes. I said "Jaxon I love you" and he said "I love you Annie". Yes Boo calls me Nannie and Ella Grace is starting to say Nan but to have Annie as a name picked by this adorable little guy melts me every time I hear it. We watched a movie [several times, same movie]as we played in the floor, wrestled, played super heros and ate popcorn, carrot sticks, p-nut butter sandwiches, m&m's,and drank water. He kills me when I ask if he wants coolaid, milk, juice,coffee [just kidding about the coffee], and he tells me "No, just water". He minded everything I ask of him even in Wally World where I insisted on getting him an early birthday present. I really did insist. He learned that when I say Jax "Red Light" it means STOP and "Green Light" means go. Here on the farm if you let him outside he is at the other end of the place before I can say wait. He doesn't know about snakes, skunks with rabies, dogs dumped off and harmful things so I came up with this game to help ME and Him. He loved it and it worked like a charm. Yesterday all of Nannies adventures for the past week caught up with her and she slept all day. Third person makes it sound so much better than if I had slept all day, ya think? I miss them all today. Each child grown or grand are special to me and I love them with all my heart and soul. I treasure the sweet moments, like little arms around my legs. No words, just little arms. Hugs and love nannie, aka cj aka momma

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

On The Road Again

OH MY WORD, I was on the road almost all day. I hate days like this where it's get in the car, drive, get out of the car, get in the car, drive..........see where I'm going? LOL!!!!!! I took Boo home, stopped to pick up my JC Penny order, stopped to feed Memaw and Boo, got Boo home, left memaws purse at Boos house, went back to get it, drove in breakneck traffic in NORMAN to drive the hour back home,and it took half the day. I am getting tooooooooo old for all this running around. Oh I forgot to mention.......in the morning I am driving memaw home [an hour drive] turn around and drive back home then I am picking up Jax in Tri City an hour in the opposite direction and then back home again. I need to get out my Willie Nelson cd and play "On The Road Again" over and over and .........!!!!!I am going to bed at 7 tonite, yea, right.LOL!!!! Jax, nannie is comeing to get you and we are gonna have the best, greatest, funniest sleepover of all times. Yep, my sleep will be over for one night at least because a three year old tosses and turns and flips and flops and that is why it is called a sleep over.LOL!!!!! I wouldn't change a thing, okay maybe I'd ask to be a little [a lot] younger. On the road again, YEEEEEHAAAAAAW!!!!!!

Monday, March 16, 2009

A Nannies Love

This is for my beloved grandchildren so if you are reading this I Thank you, but it really is just for them. Saturday PawPaw and I got to babysit Miss Ella Grace and Miss Lanie Elizabeth [ages almost 2 and almost 1]. WORN OUT was how I thought I would feel but instead I felt younger than in past years. I had needed a baby fix like crazy, ya know what I mean? The way they smell, the way they grin, the little giggles and laughs and coos. The little arms around my neck as I rocked Miss Ella Grace to sleep. Parents with two small babies put them down [as I did years ago] let them cry for about 4 or 5 minutes and they fell asleep. However being a "grandparent" brings on this longing in me to hold on longer and tighter to my grandbabies. All too fast they are growing up. Boo is already 7 and will be 8 in a few months. Jaxon is 3 and will be 4 in a month. My own baby will be 30 in August. Time seemed to stand still at one point and then as if someone decided it was the right time, just let the years fly by......I thought that's what I wanted. Now all I want is to hold and snuggle and adore my grandbabies, all of them. Dear God how I love these precious ones you have given me and cowboy as gifts. We both pray that they will all grow and mature and be healthy christians through your word but right now can you slow it down just a little. I just want to snuggle and hold a while longer. I want to play pat-a-cake and ride a little pony down to town until my legs go numb just to hear their laughs. Thank you Dear God for all these wonderful, different, independant little lives that call me their Nannie. I love you precious children and grandchildren, always have, always will. Nannie aka cj aka momma

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I have a confession to make

I am in LOVE! It's silly, it's blushing, it's heart thumping, it's been going on for about 38 years and I can't seem to stop. [Not that I want too anyway.] I married this cowboy who still finds little ways to take my breath away. Sometimes it's just as simple as a wink....yep, a wink. I get goosebumps, my heart starts pounding and I feel the red heat up on my cheeks . Just yesterday we had a moment.......not that kind Joey so you can keep reading. Cowboy let me out at Wally World in Yukon because it was like say 100 degress below 0. Okay, it was 41 degrees but it was cold. I told him I was going to the pharmacy and would meet him in the produce isle in 5 minutes. I got what I needed and headed for the other end of the double sized[ football field ]store. I'm weaving in and out of this mass of people when this tall black cowboy hat appears in the distance. No one and I mean NO ONE can wear a hat like my cowboy. He was looking around, slowly makeing his way toward me but not seeing me. All at once he sees me, grins this crooked little grin that I adore and my word time stood still! I couldn't help myself, I fell in love all over again as I do nearly every week. Thirty eight years seems like such a long time ago and yet it was yesterday. The years of hard work, long hours and the wear and tear of body out in the seasons have put a little salt and pepper in his hair. He walks with a "been in one wreck too many, fell from a horse, climbed one too many telephone poles, dug too many post holes, worked toooooooo many cattle and hauled toooooo many hay bales to count " kind of walk that just endears him more to me. I stopped walking and let him come to where I was standing because I knew when he got to me I'd get that wink and asked "Did ya miss me?". Dear God, I love this man!!!! I have loved him since I was 17 years old. I've worked harder at my marriage, I've sought out happily married christian couples with long years of experience. I've kept reading my bible and praying daily to be the wife I needed to be. You see, if you are in love and want to stay that way it is ten times the work of just being married. Do we ever have words, you bet. Disagree, a lot. Go to bed mad, sometimes. However, when we said "I do" in front of family, friends and above all The Lord, we meant every word. The devil has given us heartbreak, illness, losses, worries and tried to interfere in sooooooo many different ways that are so sneakie we almost missed the fact it was him. Through it all Our Lord was Here. Here as in today, yesterday, and tomorrow. He is The Great I Am. To me that means I Am always Here. No matter what happens in my life I Am IS HERE!!!!! He never leaves me......even when I am so tired and wrapped up in worry that I think "I can't pray". He will never leave me. Cowboy or I will leave each other one of these days to go be with Our Lord and it will break the heart of the one left behind. I AM, will be here holding on to the hand, lifting up the head and drying the tears. That's a love story......on earth as it is in Heaven. I love this ol' cowboy and that won't ever change. I won't, He won't and God won't let that happen as long as we read, pray, and believe in the words of Our Lord. And, we do! Love stories should be every girl or womans dream. Love stories should be ever boy or mans goal. No one should ever settle for anything other than a love story and they don't just happen over night, over months, over a year or ten. Do you have a love story or are you thinking why are we together? Change it now if you need too, look for one good thing a day, remember one reason you fell in love with this peron today, refuse to seek advice from DIVORCED people, people whose lives are falling apart. Seek and ye shall find means your gonna find whatever you really desire. Be careful who you seek out for your love story and above all seek God the Creator, The Father of Love. My cowboy is snoring in the next room and even that makes me smile, just knowing he is still around this 57 yr.old woman [going on 17 again, and again and.....]. Hugs and Love cj aka momma aka nannie

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Is it just me?

Ya know there are just some things that can't be fixed and STUPID is one of those things!!! It started this morning and it's still going. I mean you can fix things with hard work, hot glue gun, sewing, hammer, DUCK [I know],duct tape or just about anything in this world; But not stupid. Example A. After sitting an hour in the doctors office the nurse comes out and says "Are ya here to see the doctor?"......What? I so wanted and I do mean WANTED to say "No, I just didn't have enough to do at home so I thought I'd come here, pay my co-pay and then sit here with all these coughing, wheezing, snot blowing sick people to be entertained." Next stop eating lunch. The waitress takes our order and before she leaves the table, so help me, she ask "Do ya want that for here or to go?"......again, I wanted to say "Oh, we just came in to sit in your chairs because the car is toooooo comfortable." Are you kidding me. I almost started to laugh but held on to it till we got to your favorite store and mine, Wally-World. One more line to wait in, it seemed like the cashier was on downers [what ever that is LOL]. After, and I kid you not, 37 minutes it was our turn and so help me little Liza the guy ask "Are yall ready to check out?" Nearly peeed [did I spell that, never mind] anyway. I couldn't resist the urge, it was like someone else jumped into my body and I said "No could you wait a minute I just want to savor the moment"!!!!! Thank God my cowboy is nearly deaf in one ear. The guy looked at me like I had lost my marbles [which reminds me I need to buy some marbles for summer...nuther story, sorry]! I mean come on people what do ya think we are at these places to do??? What if someone ask me at church tonight "Are ya here to worship????" Duh! Now being from Arkansas and having heard a lot of stories about us hillbillys I can only say that I might be ignorant about some things,but I can fix that by learning about it, [like the use of tooooo many commas in a sentence]. However, STUPID IS STUPID......and you can't fix it no matter how old the dog is! It only takes a little thought, just one little thought before you speak. The phone rang right before I got on the computer and I was asked "Is your mother home?" To which I truthfully said yes."May I speak to her?" Again truthfully "No" Okay then they wanted to speak to my daddy, once more truthfully "No" Well is there an adult there came a angry voice, and as I lay down on the floor laughing my insides out the person got angrier and angrier [did I spell, never mind]. I finally said, My mom is 80 years old and lives in another town, my daddy died almost 11 years ago and just in case your next question is "May I speak to the Lady of the house" I'm right here!!!!! Now I may have a slight leftover Arkansas twang, but come on, at 57 there is no way I sound like a child. What's my point? Who knows, I never know when I start these things but it just seemed like a funny day to me. Seriously, do you think stupid can be fixed? Should we start wearing T-shirts that say "I am not stupid, I am just ignorant for the moment" My parting words are of a sign just outside of the Long John Silvers resturant in Yukon. It read "We are now hireing smileing faces". Do ya think they just want the face or can a complete body get a job there????? Got any thoughts on how people ask you questions or am I the only one finding humor in silly things that people say, write of do? God Bless you on your journey, Hugs and Love cj aka momma aka nannie

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Holidays, Showers, Graduations Oh My

Do ya think somewhere someone is saying "Hey I'm bored, let's make up another holiday"! As I roamed [and I do mean roamed] through the isles of Wally World this morning I was aware of three things. 1. Sometime this month is St.Patricks Day 2. Valentine [and some Christmas] items are now 75% off all broken left overs. and 3. Easter is fast on the everloving, hopping, candy eating, money sucking way! Now being the great Nannie of 4 that I am I started counting birthdays, baby showers, wedding showers, graduation gifts and just in general stuff that I needed to buy. Not only will I need a U-Haul, but I may need to hire someone to wrap and deliver the gifts. At the least keep it all straight. Did I mention that money is TIGHT FOR EVERYONE? Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas a lot, Thanksgiving not so much and Halloween not at all. I love baby showers, but who knows if the couple getting married is gonna stay that way longer than it took to pick out the gift. Now we have awarness days.... all good causes.......most all good causes. Breast cancer, diabetes, arthritis, premature birth, Jerrys kids, pennies to rebuild the statue of Liberty. Where am I going with this? Who knows, but everytime I turn around someone has a day or a cause or a anniversary on my calender. Limits people that's what I'm talking about. Limits!!!!! Now someone just called me to ask when Grandparents Day is? Didn't even know there was one HELLO AND I AM A GRANDMOTHER FOR THE PAST 7 YEARS! Ya think someone would have mentioned it before now don't ya? Well it's your turn. Comment and tell me a Holiday you want to make up, one you hate, one you love and how draining on your pocketbook it is or isn't. Do you make the crafty things to give [are you good at that] or do you feel like the amount of money depends on the relationship to the person recieving the gift. By the way I personally try and get at least a card and send even if I don't write a check to put in it. I am drawing the line in the sand this year.....I didn't do a thing for Presidents Day, Martin L.King Day, and St. Patrick is on his own!!!!! Till next time or I see another Holiday mark up or down at the store, heres to you and yours. God Bless you on your journey Hugs cj aka nannie aka momma

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Got Color????

Different for a blog, ya think? The little picture that started it all is of Miss Ella Grace. She was about 6 or 7 months old and her mommy had dressed her in this cute little pink and black dress. You can't tell from the picture but she had this look on her face that is priceless to me. It was a "Seriously Mom" type face that will turn up again when she is about 15 or 16.LOL!!! So, when I came across the black and pink template called Fairy Dreams,[ I think]. I looked at so many I'm not sure if that's the name but it just jumped out at me. Usually I like red or blue or yellow but for now it's black and pink. Do you have a favorite color that has a story behind it? Do you change favorite colors from time to time? Do you have a color that you hate and I mean Hate with a passion? Does fashion play a part in what color you like? Is there a color that makes you want to barf? Or is barf the color of your hate? Whatever....I got started on this color theme and it's taken me places I didn't know I wanted to go, are ya with me? Bottom line is I need to add color to all my walls [that are a blend of whites,vanillas,tans and did I mention BLAND}! I stand in the paint store with a stupid look on my face and try to act unafraid but the sweat comes rolling down my face, my glasses fog up and my tummy starts to roll over. The what if's aren't far behind all of that and I lock up tighter than a rubberband on a news paper. Recently I painted one wall in our bedroom blue. Not just any blue mind you but a blue I had specially mixed up. Yep, I took a sample of the blue I wanted into a Sherman Willians store and after about 45 minutes it was a perfect match. I had no excuse now, it was paint or waste $30.00. After a week went by I did it, I just did it. I loved the results but now that the one wall is painted I have had to order a new bedspread and curtains with the same blue in it with squares of yellow thrown in. Now I am having to match that yellow on the bedspread at a Benjamin Moore paint store. I remember now why I went with bland colors.LOL. I keep seeing these books like Country Living, Southern Life and a lot more with these wonderful rooms and I get Spring Fever hotter than, well you know. This is a long blog really saying nothing important but it is keeping me from actually painting trim. I decided that this year I will be fearless, I mean FEARLESS, in all things in my life. I am now 57 years old and I want to do a lot of FEARLESS PAINTING, TRAVELING, CRAFTING, SEWING and so much more. First it's color and next who knows I may write that book I have talked about for years. Okay, one FEARLESS at a time and color is it's name. God Bless all who pass by this way and Hugs and Love Carla, aka cj aka nannie

Friday, March 6, 2009

How do you like me now?

Thanks to my wonderful, talented, beautiful first daughter-in-love I have a new look! I wanted a new blog look sooooooooooooooooo badly [not enough to pay for it] but I wanted one any way. Tonight after only an hour or so she has pictures, blog list, colors, and so many wonderful gadgets on here that I am dumbstruck. Okay maybe that's not the right word but COLOR ME HAPPY!!!!!! Thank you Suzy and then some!!!!! I managed to turn 57 yesterday without harming anyone or anything. No animals were hurt........and I don't feel a day over 57, okay one day but that's it. Tonight Jax and nannie are having a sleepover and Boo is at home with Strep Throat. She hated not being here but managed to squeak out a "Nannie don't let Jax eat my M&M's". What a trooper, ha! It's been a long day and a good day. God has been good to this family and I pray that all my children and grandchildren will take a minute each day to stop and Thank Him for just being. Not because of what He can do, what He can change, or give or turn around in our favor. Just a Thank You God for being in our lives daily, hourly, minute by minute. It's late and Jax is sleepy so I am closing it down for tonight. I will be back Lord willing tomorrow just stareing at my new blog design. Again, Thank you Suzy Q

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I am going to be 57

Yes, that is the truth! March 5th comes every year about this time and I seem to get another year gone by. It's not as bad as when I was 29 turning 30, now that was tragic for me! Why? I don't know. I just remember thinking all my young fun life was over......wait a minute. What young fun life? I was the mother of three small children, had a new house still under construction, a mud road and no gravel in the wettest spring ever for Oklahoma. My transmission had gone out on the car, we still didn't have running water after we moved in and I was turning 30. OH MY WORD, you would have thought I was late for a run-way fashion show without one of my many diamonds on, or at least a red carpet event [not as in hotel]. I was sobbing and miserable and for what....I still don't know. I threw myself into a black and white party for my 40th and celebrated it at Wally-World where I worked. I turned 50 without a blink but with a Red Hat on my head. 60 is looking better all the time and a lot closer to my goal of going home to be with The Lord. That has become one of my biggest endevars of life. Going Home. While I am still here I pray that The Lord will help me get my children and grandchildren and all those around me brought in to know and love Him like I do and more. So in the morning, I say "Hello 57, you never looked better" Happy Birthday to me and anyone out there with the same birthdate!!!! hugs and love cj aka nannie aka momma

Monday, March 2, 2009


As of today I have lost 70lbs. and am not looking for it Thank you very much! I has been hard work, even with the lap band procedure it is only a tool like any other device. Be it a weight plan, diet pill, surgery or whatever, it is still there to be used properly. I just don't get hungry for sweets as I once did because I'd rather use my meals for pure 100% protien. This is the last blog of the day so Happy Trails and see ya on the sunny side in the am. Hugs cj


I need to leave and I mean I NEED TO LEAVE MY BLOG ALONE!!!! I just lost the cutest site with music and stuff but no I just had to push one more button,,dang it....now I'm back to boring and have lost some information I had just found [accidentlly of course]. Do I seriously use two ll's on so many words? I digress. I just want to do this on my own and have proved by losing a dozen blog sites that I TRUELY NEED PROFESSIONAL HELP!!!! However, I am on a course of doing it and by gummie bears I am gonna do it, whatever it is! I just want my site to be ya know a little softer, kinder, prettier, and someone to complain [or fix my spelling,LOL!]. Well till tommorrorrooooow [ha] I will try not to lose anything more stuff like pride and dignity for this poor little lonely blog. Hugs cj

How do ya like my picture?

Don't ask, I am still playing around with buttons on this old computer but at least it's a cute picture. If you guess who it is and are the first to guess ON COMMENTS you win a prize from Bath and Body but it has to be by midnite on March 5th my Birthday! Today is a little slow, as my upper head cold wants to much to my lungs in a southeastly pattern....[sorry, just watched the weather]. Anyway today is a good day no matter what. It's a day that God has given us to choose what we want to do, or be or see for the next 24 hours. Yep, He just gives it to us and let's us run our little hearts out [and sometimes regrettablly]. I am slowed down enough today to Praise Him for new found internet "Christian" fellowship. I Thank Him for all my Children, Grandchildren, my little 80 year old Momma, My Cowboy, My life! Boy, when I slow down there is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much to be thankful for. In todays world it is so comforting to be in His care, His guidence, His protection. Through Him all things are possible. Amen!!!!!! Thank you Lord for winning the victory over all things today, please help me focus and keep my mind off the what if's or anything negative. Thank you. Hugs and Love and Shout outs to Ali and Katie bug

Saturday, February 28, 2009


This is just the best of all days.......LOL! I am getting over this Asthma/Bronchitis thing with the help of steriods...........ooooooooooooweeeee! I am talking a mile a minute, tying so fast I am having to redo most of this, and cleaning out a closet. Not bad since I started a 5:45 this morning, ya think????? And you drink coffee right? Oh my word, I can't slow down. Cowboy doesen't know what to do with me cause he knows [and I know I am gonna CRASH] because I only have three more pills to take. So in the meantime I am useing my new found help to get a lot done in a little time. If I didn't make myself slow down this is what the wording would look like. wkhoifhlkwjlfofsfa;lkf flf aslkfja;l hfafa ldja f al;f lkjf;al. Now if I accidently without knowing it acuteally just wrote something dirty in your language I apoligize. It's just the "roid rage" talking. Okay cowboy wants me to finish one project before it's time to take the 2nd pill of the day. He's afraid the house will turn into one big mess when I finally CRASH! LOL!!! Shout outs to Katie bug, Ali, Liz and Suzy Q Hugs and love cj aka mom, momma winn and nannie

Thursday, February 26, 2009

I am beginning to wonder

Is it me, or are yall having trouble learning computer stuff [at age 56?}or older? I have tried to start a new more mature blog [as if,LOL]any way I have been so unsucessful that I am sticking with this one for now. I think it was my favorite one anyway. I first learned how to put a picture on my site [Edward and Bella] from the Twilight series, music by Taylor Swift but don't ask me how cause I don't know!!!! When it happens I freak out and jump up and down and forget what buttons i pushed to do that particular thing. Yes, dumb luck would best describe it if you want my opinion....hey wait a minute I can blog what I want because it's Thursday. I am beginning to wonder about a lot of things as I grow uh, how should I put this, uh, nearly older than dirt. Okay not that old but for another example I got an IPOD SHUFFLE for Christmas......my daughter finally put songs on it for me in Jan. I couldn't figure out how to do it. It took her 20 minutes in all. Oh My Word...maybe i have old timers and don't know it. By the way Edward and Bella are not family and I wanted gospel music and got Taylor [I like her anyway, but seriously?]! Hey out there to all my little blogaphobics, Hey Ali and Katie bug and Liz and everyone who passes by I ask that you do one random act of kindness today. May you have a great day and be Blessed more than you ever dreamed. For OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD, yesterday, today and tomorrow. God love ya, cj

Thursday, February 5, 2009

One day here next gone

Okay, let's try blogging on this site again. Forget a wing and a prayer my newest site because somehow I lost it! AGAIN! I was able to get Twilight on here plus a Taylor Swift song but where in the sam hill is my other newer more christian type blog??????? It's just out there somewhere hanging in thin air I guess. Enjoy the music while I try and find my other blog. love me