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I have an on going love story with my cowboy of 38 years and when I die I am moving to Heaven so all my friends and family know where I am! Acts 2:38

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I have a confession to make

I am in LOVE! It's silly, it's blushing, it's heart thumping, it's been going on for about 38 years and I can't seem to stop. [Not that I want too anyway.] I married this cowboy who still finds little ways to take my breath away. Sometimes it's just as simple as a wink....yep, a wink. I get goosebumps, my heart starts pounding and I feel the red heat up on my cheeks . Just yesterday we had a moment.......not that kind Joey so you can keep reading. Cowboy let me out at Wally World in Yukon because it was like say 100 degress below 0. Okay, it was 41 degrees but it was cold. I told him I was going to the pharmacy and would meet him in the produce isle in 5 minutes. I got what I needed and headed for the other end of the double sized[ football field ]store. I'm weaving in and out of this mass of people when this tall black cowboy hat appears in the distance. No one and I mean NO ONE can wear a hat like my cowboy. He was looking around, slowly makeing his way toward me but not seeing me. All at once he sees me, grins this crooked little grin that I adore and my word time stood still! I couldn't help myself, I fell in love all over again as I do nearly every week. Thirty eight years seems like such a long time ago and yet it was yesterday. The years of hard work, long hours and the wear and tear of body out in the seasons have put a little salt and pepper in his hair. He walks with a "been in one wreck too many, fell from a horse, climbed one too many telephone poles, dug too many post holes, worked toooooooo many cattle and hauled toooooo many hay bales to count " kind of walk that just endears him more to me. I stopped walking and let him come to where I was standing because I knew when he got to me I'd get that wink and asked "Did ya miss me?". Dear God, I love this man!!!! I have loved him since I was 17 years old. I've worked harder at my marriage, I've sought out happily married christian couples with long years of experience. I've kept reading my bible and praying daily to be the wife I needed to be. You see, if you are in love and want to stay that way it is ten times the work of just being married. Do we ever have words, you bet. Disagree, a lot. Go to bed mad, sometimes. However, when we said "I do" in front of family, friends and above all The Lord, we meant every word. The devil has given us heartbreak, illness, losses, worries and tried to interfere in sooooooo many different ways that are so sneakie we almost missed the fact it was him. Through it all Our Lord was Here. Here as in today, yesterday, and tomorrow. He is The Great I Am. To me that means I Am always Here. No matter what happens in my life I Am IS HERE!!!!! He never leaves me......even when I am so tired and wrapped up in worry that I think "I can't pray". He will never leave me. Cowboy or I will leave each other one of these days to go be with Our Lord and it will break the heart of the one left behind. I AM, will be here holding on to the hand, lifting up the head and drying the tears. That's a love story......on earth as it is in Heaven. I love this ol' cowboy and that won't ever change. I won't, He won't and God won't let that happen as long as we read, pray, and believe in the words of Our Lord. And, we do! Love stories should be every girl or womans dream. Love stories should be ever boy or mans goal. No one should ever settle for anything other than a love story and they don't just happen over night, over months, over a year or ten. Do you have a love story or are you thinking why are we together? Change it now if you need too, look for one good thing a day, remember one reason you fell in love with this peron today, refuse to seek advice from DIVORCED people, people whose lives are falling apart. Seek and ye shall find means your gonna find whatever you really desire. Be careful who you seek out for your love story and above all seek God the Creator, The Father of Love. My cowboy is snoring in the next room and even that makes me smile, just knowing he is still around this 57 yr.old woman [going on 17 again, and again and.....]. Hugs and Love cj aka momma aka nannie


Brandi said...

That is so sweet - and true! I have a love story that began when I was only 15. I just posted a picture of us - 16 years ago - on my blog yesterday. Click on my picture to check it out!

suzspeaks said...

mom your cute:)
