About Me

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I have an on going love story with my cowboy of 38 years and when I die I am moving to Heaven so all my friends and family know where I am! Acts 2:38

Friday, May 2, 2008

Its been tooooooo long

Where has the time gone? Oh yeah, I have been busy busy busy!!!! Today marks one solid year with a cast on my right foot.....no, not the same one silly. I have worn black, red and now blue. Those were my favorite colors but now it is getting to the point of no return. This cast must stay on for ONE MONTH!!!!! UGH!!!!!! Update... Jaxon just turned 3, Boo had her top baby tooth knocked out at school [if you remember she is our drama queen] so it was tramatic to say the least. Miss Ella Grace will be 1 May 12th and I am hopeing that Miss Lanie Elizabeth will stay inside mommy until closer till her June due date! I am in the middle of finishing two baby quilts for her. Cowboy and I lost a close friend last week to an OOPs at the hospital he was in. He should not have died, He was doing great and within 4 hours he got a blood clot in his lungs and was gone. He was the kindest, funniest, most loveable guy and his wife is way tooooooo young to be a widow. The pain of seeing her hurts so bad because she loved him as I love my cowboy. They are younger than we are but we have been friends for over twenty years and it hurts so much!!!! Getting older and seeing friends pass on really hits home but yet we believe we will meet again in a far better place then we can imagine. Gotta go for now, just some thoughts from me to you, love momma, aka cj aka nannie aka friend and a great big shout out to Liz, Ali and Katie bug

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