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I have an on going love story with my cowboy of 38 years and when I die I am moving to Heaven so all my friends and family know where I am! Acts 2:38

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Busy, Busy, Busy

I can't believe it is the end of January already. Of course being sick for two weeks blew most of the month. We went to see Miss Ella Grace Twice but the first time my back was hurting so cowboy got the pleasure of holding her and we left after 2 hours. Last Sunday we helped Davy and Miss Amanda get the final Christmas stuff put away and this week I am trying to finish putting up my snow men and women, although, we are being teased by the weather man with the promise of snow tomorrow. Okay, the weight watcher thing is fun online an I lost 8lbs the first week. Awesome for me....PAT ON THE BACK!!!! I am having to learn this new way of living because I just found out that I have some Kidney damage....I KNOW...WHERE DID THAT COME FROM????? Well after my dr. appt. last week and blood taken I got the results yesterday along with a note saying I have an appt. Feb. 7th to talk about whats going on. SWELL, I said to myself and then I said OH well, why not. So today I have a baby quilt to work on, the sun is shineing, the wind is blowing 60 miles an hour [normal for OKLA.]and the happy thought of a new grandbaby in June although I think she might come last of may. I picked the 6th of June so we will see. I guessed Miss Ella Grace would be born May 12th and she was. Okay you are right Ali, I am stalling. I am going to put up the snow people and then work on the quilt. Wait, I have a funny Memaw story about my mom. She called yesterday telling me about the cutest baby material that she bought. I had her describe it and i said "Mom that will be so cute" to which she replied "When can you start on it?" Yep, she wants me to make it and give it to Lanie from her. Does anyone see the humor in that? I have two quilts going already and now a third one from memaw. My fingers just don't work that fast so Lanie may get her memaw quilt for Thanksgiving, ha! Hugs and Love cj aka nannie aka Ethel aka momma

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