About Me

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I have an on going love story with my cowboy of 38 years and when I die I am moving to Heaven so all my friends and family know where I am! Acts 2:38

Friday, March 6, 2009

How do you like me now?

Thanks to my wonderful, talented, beautiful first daughter-in-love I have a new look! I wanted a new blog look sooooooooooooooooo badly [not enough to pay for it] but I wanted one any way. Tonight after only an hour or so she has pictures, blog list, colors, and so many wonderful gadgets on here that I am dumbstruck. Okay maybe that's not the right word but COLOR ME HAPPY!!!!!! Thank you Suzy and then some!!!!! I managed to turn 57 yesterday without harming anyone or anything. No animals were hurt........and I don't feel a day over 57, okay one day but that's it. Tonight Jax and nannie are having a sleepover and Boo is at home with Strep Throat. She hated not being here but managed to squeak out a "Nannie don't let Jax eat my M&M's". What a trooper, ha! It's been a long day and a good day. God has been good to this family and I pray that all my children and grandchildren will take a minute each day to stop and Thank Him for just being. Not because of what He can do, what He can change, or give or turn around in our favor. Just a Thank You God for being in our lives daily, hourly, minute by minute. It's late and Jax is sleepy so I am closing it down for tonight. I will be back Lord willing tomorrow just stareing at my new blog design. Again, Thank you Suzy Q

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