About Me

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I have an on going love story with my cowboy of 38 years and when I die I am moving to Heaven so all my friends and family know where I am! Acts 2:38

Monday, March 2, 2009

How do ya like my picture?

Don't ask, I am still playing around with buttons on this old computer but at least it's a cute picture. If you guess who it is and are the first to guess ON COMMENTS you win a prize from Bath and Body but it has to be by midnite on March 5th my Birthday! Today is a little slow, as my upper head cold wants to much to my lungs in a southeastly pattern....[sorry, just watched the weather]. Anyway today is a good day no matter what. It's a day that God has given us to choose what we want to do, or be or see for the next 24 hours. Yep, He just gives it to us and let's us run our little hearts out [and sometimes regrettablly]. I am slowed down enough today to Praise Him for new found internet "Christian" fellowship. I Thank Him for all my Children, Grandchildren, my little 80 year old Momma, My Cowboy, My life! Boy, when I slow down there is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much to be thankful for. In todays world it is so comforting to be in His care, His guidence, His protection. Through Him all things are possible. Amen!!!!!! Thank you Lord for winning the victory over all things today, please help me focus and keep my mind off the what if's or anything negative. Thank you. Hugs and Love and Shout outs to Ali and Katie bug

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